For many years Fairhaven has been at the front of ecological and environmental management of golf industry.
In 2007 the Club won Best New Entry and in 2008 received Winner – The North of England award in the BIGGA Golf Environment Competition.
In 2009, for the third year in a row, Fairhaven won the Northern England Regional Golf Course Environment Award. Ecology Manager at the time, James Hutchinson, was presented with this award for which the club won STRI Ecological Consultancy.
The club was delighted when James was winner of the 2010 Conservation Greenkeeper of the Year presented to him at the Golf Environment Awards.
In January 2013 the club were presented with the 2012 Waste Management Award.
Although James Hutchinson has since moved on to become Environment Officer at St.Andrews and most recently BIGGA, the Course Manager continues the Ecology mantle at Fairhaven and continues the good work with James acting as consultant.
We are also proud to announce we are currently in the process of attaining the Golf Environment Organisation (GEO) Certification.