
Dear Members,

Following my last Member update dated 9th April 2024, Members can find further information on Club Policy, Membership and Food & Beverage below.

Club Policies

Members are advised that changes have been made to the following Policy Documents:

  • Conduct & Discipline Policy
  • Smoking, E-Cigarette & Vaping Policy

All policy documents remain available on the Board section of the website, which can be found here.


Since October, Members will have seen two shortlisting notices posted for Full male playing membership.

By way of insight, each year, looking at historical data, we make an educated prediction on the number of vacancies we feel will become available at the turn of the membership year.  As demonstrated by the table below it is clear this figure does fluctuate and this year we saw a higher number than initially predicted.  The increase was essentially caused by a higher number of transfers from playing to other categories which was mainly down to heath issues.

Year Resignation / Deceased Transfer to Other Category
2016 15 12
2017 13 17
2018 11 22
2019 9 8
2020 12 11
2021 11 17
2022 7 10
2023 15 17
2024 7 24

We have worked hard to ensure a strong pool of applicants for Full male playing membership and have maintained a healthy list over recent years.  However, over time some of the applicants have chosen to join other clubs who did not have a waiting list or their circumstances have changed which has subsequently reduced the overall number on our waiting list currently.

With the above in mind, and as per the member communication dated 27th January 2023 we reopened the waiting list and have received a number of strong applicants for future review/consideration.  There appears to be a common misconception that we have a 4 to 5 year wait for membership but this has not been the case in my time at the club.  It is therefore important we dispel this myth as the Club remains open for applications. The number of vacancies dictate how many applicants can come in on annual basis and whilst we cannot therefore state an exact timescale, we would expect this window to be in the region of 12-18 months at this time.

We would encourage Members to support the Club by proposing candidates for Membership. The ability for an applicant to join as a letter applicant remains available. Members are also able to submit letters of support to strengthen the Clubs source of information regarding the prospective candidates for membership.

If any Member would like further information on the process for potential applicants, please do not hesitate to contact either myself or Lindzi Stones.

Recently, the Membership Committee advertised a ‘Ladies Get Into Golf’ Programme for 2024. The spirit of this scheme is to introduce new lady golfers to the game in a safe environment with like-minded individuals of similar ability. The first trial event took place on Sunday 14th April with a second event taking place on Thursday 25th April.

We are delighted with the uptake thus far, with circa 20 ladies putting their names forward which is most encouraging.

Food & Beverage

The performance of the Food and Beverage Department remains under constant review, with opportunities for further efficiencies always analysed.

In the last financial year, we saw an operational deficit that was significantly impacted by the extreme weather conditions experienced over the winter period. Throughout the summer, we saw many successes, including a staff-to-turnover ratio of circa 57% compared to a previous year level of 61%. This was a pleasing result, especially when factoring in the rise in minimum living wage which was circa 10%.

Behind the scenes, both the Committee and team continued to explore further efficiencies available and positive work has carried on with this. The procurement exercise overseen by David Cooke will assist us in retaining the most competitive pricing strategy for Members to enjoy.

We have seen a reduction in the region of 10%  on food purchases and we continue to explore further opportunities for savings in cleaning materials and fruit and vegetables.

This winter period with the continuous rainfall, has impacted the departments financial performance significantly. Through the excellent work carried out, we were on course to deliver a department deficit of £63.4k for the year against a previous years deficit of circa £100k. This would have been a significant achievement for the department as a whole, but we project that the unprecedented weather will have impacted our operation in the region of £26k over the winter period.

Whilst sharing the collective disappointment that the weather has had on our operational efficiencies, it has also presented the opportunity to understand and learn from an exceptional winter.  The team have worked tirelessly to understand the influence of factors such as a carry only status and the impact of course closures on staffing costs. As a result, considerations to several contingencies for this coming winter are being discussed in order to the minimise the financial impact should this weather become a common occurrence.

To provide additional context around this, we know that over the winter period the halfway house operated at a deficit of £7k. We must continue to consider the financial impact overall versus the member benefit to ensure increased viability moving forward.

Once consideration has been given to the data available, recommendations will be made to the Board to assist the team in not only delivering an enhanced service to Members, but also to ensure we continue to create and increase operational efficiencies in a sustainable way. 


Members are reminded of the ceremonial events which take place this weekend:

The Annual General Meeting, Friday 19th April 2024, 19:45 (Dress Code: Jacket & Tie / Ladies Equivalent

Members are advised that the main entrance from the car park will be locked and access to the clubhouse will only be available via the main corridor entrance next to the Professional Shop.

The Captain’s Drive In - Saturday 20th April 2024, 12 noon.

The incoming Captain, Mr Ian Deuchars, invites members to enjoy his hospitality from 10:00am, prior to his drive in at 12 noon. Following this ceremonious occasion, the Captain vs Vice Captain Sides Match will be staged. The shotgun start will commence at 1pm

Lady Captain’s Drive In - Sunday 21st April 2024

The incoming Lady Captain, Mrs Gill Morris, wishes to welcome members to her drive in, the ceremony for which will take place at 11am. Breakfast will be served prior to the formalities, upstairs in the Members Lounge from 10am. Following Gill's entry into Captaincy, there will be a Team of 4 event staged from 11.30am. 

We look forward to enjoying these occasions with Members.

Best regards,

Mark Duncalf

General Manager